“The descent into the depths always seems to precede the ascent.” (Carl Jung)

On the 364th day of the worst year I can ever remember, I am officially peeved. I’ve already been irritated, annoyed, angered, vexed, bothered, provoked and displeased but today’s news put me over the edge and peeved seems to define my emotions better than all those other ones. I was bothered when Charley Pride, Tom Seaver, Herman Cain, Joe Diffie and John Prine died because I admired all of them for their lifetime achievements but today I got the news that Dawn Wells has also died from complications brought on by Covid-19.

Now I’m peeved. For those of you in the younger generation who may not instantly recognize her name, Dawn Wells was Mary Ann Summers on Gilligan’s Island in the ’60s. The show wasn’t great but Mary Ann was awesome and frankly we should all save that word for people like Dawn Wells and stop using it to describe every last trivial thing. Nothing compares to the epic charm and beauty Dawn Wells displayed as Mary Ann Summers, the Kansas farm girl who rescued an absurd TV show from obscurity.

Now she’s gone and I’m not happy with anybody who has been part of this epic disaster of leadership. I think we all need to face the fact that Covid-19 has been turned into a political football for the benefit of manipulating an election year to further enhance the power of the ruling class. Both parties are equally guilty of lying through their teeth to advance their agendas. I can handle most of the stupid things that politicians do and say because they’re just pandering to their gullible constituents but making a fatal disease even worse by using it to score political points is intolerable. Good people are dying because you losers in Washington care more about power than you do about people. Shame on all of you for your willful failure to act in the best interests of all Americans.

You didn’t waste any time making sure that the donor class was taken care of but getting help to the majority of Americans somehow wasn’t that urgent and now we have a monumental crisis that could have been averted if anyone in Washington had any sense of decency or compassion. Your lust for power and unethical behavior has only served to make a bad year much, much worse.

In two days we get to try again in 2021. I suggest we take a moment to remember all the wonderful people we lost because our politicians have no soul. Let’s not let Dawn Wells ever be forgotten. She was and always will be a truly great American. She exemplified every good character trait that America stands for and she should be the standard we set for ourselves as citizens of the greatest country on Earth. There’s a New Year’s resolution for you. Let’s be better at compassion, honesty, commitment, decency, tolerance and kindness than ever before and let’s not give away our freedom to a bunch of people who don’t even know what those words mean, much less give a damn about us as fellow Americans.

I hope we have finally reached the bottom of this pit of a year so that we can begin the ascent to a better world. I’m going to remember what makes America great and I’m going to spend every day trying to undo all the stupid decisions made by the ruling class. Then, maybe some day when I’m gone, someone else will take up the cause of freedom in my memory just like I’m doing for Dawn Wells.

Rest in peace Dawn, you earned it.

©Guy R. Horst and grhgraph.wordpress.com, 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Guy R. Horst and grhgraph.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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